Welcome to Webber Academy
Webber Academy is a coeducational, nondenominational, university-preparatory school overlooking the mountains to the west of Calgary. Our mission is to prepare students to thrive in university and beyond.


Preparing students to thrive in university and beyond
This mission will be accomplished by creating an environment of high expectations of achievement, behaviour, and service. Our society needs citizens with strong moral and ethical values, who believe in the responsibilities of citizenship and service to others.
At Webber Academy, we will actively encourage the growth and development of these traditional values in our students. Participation in, and enjoyment of, school life will prepare our students for responsible involvement in their communities and our society as a whole.
The admissions process helps prospective students and their families become familiar with our school environment, and assists the school in learning more about an applicant. The nurturing, energetic environment of Webber Academy is such that bright students who are keen to accept the challenge of an enriched academic programme, have a positive attitude, are eager to work collaboratively with others in a wide variety of activities, and develop a strong sense of citizenship will thrive in our school community.