• There is a 10% and 15% reduction in tuition fees for full-time second and third siblings respectively.

  • There are no additional fees for local field trips, school clubs, student insurance, agendas, textbooks, workbooks, and elementary school classroom supplies.

  • Non-resident students residing in Canada, by virtue of a student visa, are not eligible for the Alberta subsidy for resident students. Consequently, these students must assume the total cost of education each year they attend the school.

Junior Kindergarten $20,000
Senior Kindergarten - Grade 6 $22,800
Grade 7 - Grade 9 $24,000
Grade 10 - Grade 12 $24,500
Non-Resident Students Tuition fees plus $5,000


An initial fee payment of $6,000 per student, is required by December 1, 2024, to confirm enrolment.

An additional payment of $10,000 per student, is required by April 1, 2025.

For the balance of tuition fees, there are two payment options:

Option 1: One payment by August 15, 2025.

Option 2: Balance due plus $800 per student, divided into four consecutive monthly payments commencing August 15, 2025 to November 15, 2025.

Various methods of payment are accepted, including: cash, cheque, debit, credit card, Interac e-Transfer Autodeposit (to, and payment through EFT (online bill payment) that involves selecting Webber Academy Foundation from the payee list through online banking.

All fees paid to Webber Academy are considered non-refundable and non-transferable.

NSF cheques will be subject to an additional administrative fee of $25.00.


  • A $6,000 enrolment bond (deposit) is required for each student attending Webber Academy. This is a non-interest bearing, one-time payment for enrolment into Webber Academy. The enrolment bond payment is required by August 15 or at the time of acceptance. The student enrolment bond will be refunded after the student either graduates or withdraws from the school. Enrolment bond refunds will be issued by August 1.

    Any outstanding balances owed to Webber Academy will be deducted from the bond refund.

  • The Webber Academy Bursary Fund provides bursaries to families with children who attend Webber Academy and are not able to financially meet the tuition fees. The Bursary Fund is supported through revenues generated by Webber Academy and from corporate and community donations. Questions regarding Bursary applications should be directed to Mrs. Rhonda Burke by phone at 403-277-4700 or email:

    2025-2026 Bursary Application Form -click here

  • On September 30 of each school year, enrolment counts are submitted to Alberta Education for provincial funding. Webber Academy will not receive funding for any students registering after the September 30 deadline. As a result, parents would be required to pay a pro-rated portion of this grant, in addition to payment of pro-rated portion of the tuition fees.

  • This service is available from 3:30-5:00 p.m. for JK students and 3:30-6:00 p.m. for students in SK-Grade 5. After School Kids’ Club can be used as a drop-in service or on a regular basis for $16.00/hour per child. Parents will be invoiced for students attending Kids’ Club starting at 4:00 p.m. Total aftercare hours will be rounded up to the nearest half hour, at the end of the month.

  • Southland Transportation provides bus service to Webber Academy. The fee for this service is $3,000 for full time service and $2,000 for part time service (one-way). Before the school year begins, a bus schedule will be distributed to each family who has requested this service. Occasional busing is available to other students at a cost of $15 per ride.

  • Parents can access their child’s Cafeteria Account (in LunchTime) and School Account (in RYCOR). Please log on and check account details regularly.

    Lunchtime Site
    RYCOR Site

    Outstanding balance notifications pertaining to each of these accounts are emailed monthly.

  • Outstanding balances not paid in accordance with the fee schedule and payment options will be subject to an interest charge of 2% per month or 24% per annum. Any family who has an unpaid balance with Webber Academy must pay that outstanding balance before their child(ren) will be allowed to register for the subsequent year. In addition, satisfactory payment terms must be in place for the following year.

  • If a student is not returning for the 2025-2026 school year, please submit written notice of intent. The final notification deadline (without penalty) is January 15, 2025. If notice is received after January 15, 2025, all fees due up until the date on which notification is received, would be owed, in accordance with the tuition fee payment schedule. Any outstanding fees will be deducted from the enrolment bond. Upon acceptance of the placement offered to their child, parents have an obligation to pay the fees charged according to the payment schedule. No portion of the fees, paid or due, will be refunded, transferred or cancelled in the event of a student’s absence, withdrawal, or dismissal from Webber Academy. If a student is suspended or expelled, fees will not be refunded by Webber Academy.