Webber Academy provides a challenging academic programme for students who have the ability and desire to complete high school and university. The Alberta curriculum is enhanced and enriched to provide our students with additional practice in reinforcing the foundations and developing new skills. We also believe in developing well-rounded students. Therefore, our programme reflects an emphasis on the core subjects of Mathematics, English, Science, and Geography/History, as well as instruction in second languages, the fine and performing arts, athletics, and technology.
A variety of experiences are provided which enable the child to:
Sustain and extend natural curiosity
Develop independent thinking through meaningful learning experiences
Use language to communicate effectively
Develop a positive, realistic sense of self
Develop cooperative and independent
social skillsBecome an independent, lifelong learner
Webber Academy offers a full-day Junior Kindergarten programme for students who are developmentally ready for schooling. Students in this programme must turn four years of age by December 31st of the school year that they commence. The programme runs daily, similar to our regular school programme. Students in the Junior Kindergarten programme will participate in a range of activities including:
Identifying colours and shapes
Story-telling and appreciation of books
Reciting the alphabet, basic phonics and recognizing and printing letters
Math including recognizing and printing numbers from 1-20 and distinguishing between more, less and equal to
Drawing, colouring, and crafts
Music classes (with a subject specialist teacher) with a focus on singing songs and developing pitch
Spanish (with a subject specialist teacher)
Indoor and outdoor physical education
The Senior Kindergarten programme is a full-day programme offered for students who are five years of age, on or before December 31st of the school year that they commence. Thematic centres are an integral part of the programme and students also spend time in activities which will prepare them for our Grade 1 programme. During the course of the Senior Kindergarten year, key areas of focus will be:
Independent Reading
Story and journal writing
Basic math calculations, problem-solving, patterns and estimation
Arts, crafts and creativity
Spanish (with a subject specialist teacher)
Music classes (with a subject specialist teacher
Indoor and outdoor physical education
Grades 1–6 Core Programmes
In today’s world, strong literacy, numeracy, social, and teamwork skills are essential in whatever career path one chooses. Therefore, our focus is on developing a solid foundation for these skills. At Webber Academy, we believe all students, even those in Kindergarten, need to be articulate in their speech and literate in their approach to all subjects. A strong foundation in basic mathematical operations leads to an appreciation and enjoyment of the wonderful world of mathematics. Learning to solve problems with inquisitiveness, enthusiasm, and creativity, allows students to further explore more sophisticated math and sciences as they progress through the upper grades.
Students are exposed to print and multimedia materials of all types, and in all subject areas so that they learn how to locate information quickly, depending on the tasks involved. It is important in today’s Information Age for children to learn how to access information and how to develop questioning and research strategies to help them to thrive in our rapidly changing world.
Junior High and Senior High Programmes (GRADES 7–12)
In preparing our students for university and beyond, it is our intent to offer students a range of options covering all disciplines. Our programmes are designed so that upon entering Grade 11, students have had exposure to all disciplines and can make an informed choice when selecting courses for university entrance. Career counselling is provided by the school, and the process begins in Grade 10. Academic Counselling is provided upon teacher referral for students requiring additional help with areas of academic development.
The core programme includes English, Mathematics, Science, Geography/History, and Physical Education.
From Grades 7 to 9, students must choose two out of the five following subjects, one selection must be a language:
Mandarin, Spanish, French, Music (Band), and Computers. Grade 7 students take both Drama and Art. Grade 8 and 9 students choose either Drama or Art.
In high school, a student’s choice of coursework is based on postsecondary requirements and the pursuit of academic strengths and personal interests. Webber Academy has instituted the internationally recognized Advanced Placement (AP) Programme. This curriculum provides students with courses enriched beyond the provincial requirements, and university credits may be earned.
Webber Academy students in Spain on a Spanish immersion trip
In many European countries, it is expected that children will be bilingual, and preferably trilingual, particularly with the ease of international travel. Canada is an important part of the ever-increasing influential Pacific Rim, Central and South American nations, so we feel that Mandarin and Spanish will be most beneficial in the 21st century. We know from many research projects that language skills are best developed at a very early age, and young children much more readily accept exposure to new languages. At Webber Academy, we believe in offering second and third language instruction to our children, starting in Junior Kindergarten.
All Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6 students have Spanish as part of their programme. Beginning in Grade 4 and continuing to Grade 6, Mandarin is part of the programme.
Upon entering junior high, students begin to have options within their programme. French is added as an option. Spanish and Mandarin also continue to be offered. The language programmes are offered at different levels from Grade 7 upwards. New students can be accommodated if they have not studied a language before entering Webber Academy. Webber Academy has a tradition of offering opportunities for travel to countries where the languages of study are spoken (e.g. France, Costa Rica, Spain, and China). Webber Academy is committed to adding new opportunities in the future.
Grade 7 Band performing at the Winter Concert
Exposure to cultural activities complements and strengthens our academic programme, allowing youthful creativity and energy to be channelled in different ways. Students are given skilled instruction in developmental programmes in each area of the visual and performing arts.
Modern research shows us that music significantly enhances intelligence and is strongly tied to increased abilities in math and sciences. At Webber Academy, students are taught to listen, develop their first instrument (the voice), and understand the rudiments of musical theory and rhythmic elements. Students are encouraged to take part in the school’s choral and instrumental programmes. An appreciation for music is learned early, and it is our goal to instil in our students a lifelong enjoyment of many different musical forms and genres. The school has two concert bands, a wind ensemble and a jazz band at both the Junior and Senior High school levels, as well as two choirs.
Art activities offer children an outlet for expression and creativity. Art can improve the mind, develop critical viewing skills and, at the same time, provide great enjoyment for children. Our emphasis is on developing our students’ artistic skills in both creating and critiquing work.
Drama helps even the most reserved student to develop confidence and poise in front of peers. Students learn how to move, project their voices, enunciate with clarity and conviction, explore the dramatic form, and create their own dramatic works. An integral component of drama is body awareness; therefore, dance movements are explored both in drama, and in the physical education programme.