ADMISSIONS at Webber Academy

Applications for 2025-2026 Are Now Available!

The mission statement, ‘preparing students to thrive in university and beyond,’ embodies our goal of equipping students with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in university and the necessary tools to thrive in life and in whatever career path they choose. Webber Academy’s nurturing and energetic learning environment is best suited for students who are ready to accept the challenge of an enriched academic programme, eager to collaborate with others in a wide variety of activities, and interested in developing a strong sense of citizenship and community.

The ideal Webber Academy student embodies our school's values. They care for themselves, others, and their community, strive for personal excellence and act with honour, integrity, and a commitment to principles.

Our Admissions Department's objective is to determine whether each applicant possesses the academic potential and personal motivation to meet the expectations of our programmes.


Information Package

Junior High Programme of Studies

Senior High Information Booklet

Placement Availability

2025-2026 School Year

Applications are now available for the 2025-2026 school year. Please note that space availability is dependent on re-enrollment; as such, expect limited availability in all grades.

JK & SK - Waitlist: all new applicants will be added to the waitlist and will be considered if further space becomes available after first round applicants are processed

Grade 1 - 6 - Waitlist: all new applicants will be added to the waitlist and will be considered if further space becomes available after first round applicants are processed

Grade 7 - Waitlist: all new applicants will be added to the waitlist and will be considered if further space becomes available after first round applicants are processed

Grade 8 - very limited availability

Grade 9 -  Waitlist: all new applicants will be added to the waitlist and will be considered if further space becomes available after first round applicants are processed

Grade 10 - very limited availability

Grade 11 - please email before applying

Grade 12 - please email before applying

2024-2025 School Year

Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year is now complete.

Please see Admissions Process for detailed information on our admissions timelines.

Holly Blake
Director of Admissions

Vicki Grenier
Admissions Assistant