Through its collections and services, the Chwyl Library supports and enhances the programme of studies at Webber Academy. The library provides an ideal environment for the acquisition of knowledge, encourages intellectual enquiry and an independent approach to learning as well as endeavours to give students the skills they need to take them to university and beyond. The library promotes and encourages the practice of reading for pleasure with particular emphasis on fiction through the promotion of authors, award-winning titles and new releases. Author visits, “Buddy Reading” and celebrations are also fun and exciting ways in which we help our students develop a lifelong love of reading.
The Chwyl Library has a collection of over 24,000 books and other items as well as a considerable number of online resources. There is plenty to choose from the comprehensive and varied selection of titles which accommodate the whole school covering fiction, non-fiction, poetry, picture books and graphic novels. We are also a learning commons with 24 new laptops, and 24 iPads, as well as an easily accessible publishing and research centre. Students and teachers are afforded the opportunity to work with the school teacher-librarian and library technician to learn valuable research skills using both traditional and electronic methods. Regular library instructional time takes place for Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6, reading classes for Junior High students, as well as easy access to the library and all of its resources for students from Grades 7 to 12.
Director of Library Services, Dianne Lever (left) and Librarian Assistant, Malia Chalifoux (right)